6.9 out of 10

9th Ave Northeast, Wallingford

47.661731329694 -122.318417144731
Great for
  • Schools
  • Cost of Living
  • Lack of Traffic
  • Neighborly Spirit
Not great for
  • No ratings yet
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4/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 4/5
  • Lack of Traffic 4/5
  • Cost of Living 4/5
  • Schools 5/5

"Great student housing!"

Many of my friends live in houses they rent on 8th NE, and they love the neighborhood. Some are students at the UW, and are glad to be so close to campus. Others are singles, glad to have housemates and a relatively inexpensive place to live. As for me, I'd love to live there just because it's so close to the sorts of things I love to do: parks, the library, movies, good food, even my church! And if I want to go anywhere else, well, the freeway is right there!

There's not a ton of traffic along 8th itself, and I-5 has a sound-wall that dampens the freeway noise, so it's relatively quiet. There's a significant homeless population (as there is throughout the U District) but they know that the police are always right around the corner and I've always found them to be respectful if I treat them with respect.

The houses themselves are older, well-built, often with beautiful hardwood floors and decent-sized yards. It's a great neighborhood for students or people just getting started.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
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