North 42nd St, Wallingford
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Great for
- Childcare
- Eating Out
- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Medical Facilities
Not great for
- Cost of Living
- Lack of Traffic
- Resale or Rental Value
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North 42nd St
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
- Cost of Living
- Resale or Rental Value
- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities
- Schools
- Childcare
"Really narrow street!"
This street is super narrow and difficult to get a car down safely. Forget it if you have a wide truck, RV, or anything other than a compact car. It’s a small street to begin with. Combine that with people parking on both sides and it’s really small. What really makes it impossible is that a local business parks their delivery trucks on the street, too. No fun!