Avondale Rd, Avondale Estates
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Great for
- Public Transport
- Childcare
- Cost of Living
- Eating Out
- Internet Access
Not great for
- Clean & Green
- Gym & Fitness
- Lack of Traffic
- Neighborly Spirit
- Parking
Who lives here?
- Hipsters
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Avondale Rd
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
- Cost of Living
- Resale or Rental Value
- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities
- Schools
- Childcare
"Not All It's Cracked Up To Be"
Avondale Estates, just by it's name, would give one the impression of real estates; sprawling lawns, impeccable mansions, wide open spaces, stately and upper crust like. But Avondale Road in Avondale Estates in Georgia is not all it's cracked up to be; as a matter of fact, it's far from it. Between the crumbling commercial property, the grit and grime that comes with high traffic areas and the hustle and bustle that is never attractive in what should be a serene and sophisticated, there's not much to look forward to when it comes to Avondale Road and Avondale Estates.
Now, I am sure there are some redeeming qualities about the neighborhood. But unless you live there and have a particular affinity or great memories of days gone by, to the outsider, Avondale Road is not all it's cracked up to be. If I was hard press to make a recommendation for anyone to live there it would be .......... I really can't. I don't want to do anyone a real disservice.
Now, I am sure there are some redeeming qualities about the neighborhood. But unless you live there and have a particular affinity or great memories of days gone by, to the outsider, Avondale Road is not all it's cracked up to be. If I was hard press to make a recommendation for anyone to live there it would be .......... I really can't. I don't want to do anyone a real disservice.
- hard to find the pros
- easy access to public transporttation
- close to major thoroughfares
- poor resale and rental values
- gritty and grimy
- not the safest area
Recommended for
- Hipsters