Questions in Brooklyn
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Recently Answered Questions in Brooklyn
How is the area around Ocean and Church? Safety, dining, community?
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Thinking of moving onto President St. in Crown Heights. How's the safety?
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What is it like to live on Chauncey Street, Brooklyn between Saratoga/Howard Aves?
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Is Grand Ave near Gates, Lexington a good block to live on?
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Is Washington Ave between Sullivan and Montgomery in Crown Heights safe?
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Is the area around Hope Gardens (Gates btw Wilson & Central) in Bushwick Bklyn ok, or crime-ridden?
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What's the price range for a 2 bedroom apartment in Boerum Hill?
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What is the neighborhood for 517 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, NY?
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How is the daycare in the Fort Greene, Brooklyn neighborhood?
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Curious what the neighborhood is for 163 Montrose Ave, Brooklyn
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Hi, How safe is Grand Ave. @ Fulton Ave.? Would it be safe for teenage girl and boy?
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I have to come to Sunset Park for Business. Any good hotel suggestions nearby?
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Can you tell me where is a safe area of Brooklyn for college students, not too expensive?
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Is there anyway a senior can afford to live in Brooklyn while retired
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How hard is it too find monthly parking here? Are there any good street lots or garages?
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How hard is it too find monthly parking here? Are there any good street lots or garages?
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Is Dean street safe? Around 1680 Dean street in crown heights, Brooklyn
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Can anyone tell me about the area where Ebbets Field apartments are located? Is it safe?.
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How safe is it on Stanhope St. between Wilson Ave. and Wyckoff Ave.?
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