Questions in Brooklyn
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Recently Answered Questions in Brooklyn
What is the safety like around Steuben St. between Park & Myrtle Aves?
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I'm looking at an apt on Chauncey St, Bushwick, Brooklyn. How is the area?
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Name on pavement "HOEHN" corner of Coffey and Van Brunt St?
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Any opinions on how safe Powers St in Williamsburg, Brooklyn is?
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I'm relocating from Texas, how safe is Lafayette and Nostrand Ave brooklyn ny?
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How safe is the intersection area of Bedford Ave and Jefferson Ave?
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What is the commute like from Brighton Beach to Manhattan? Via subway? How long will it take?
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How safe is Myrtle avenue between Nostrand and Marcy Ave? Myrtle Willoughby G train stop.
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Is there a bus route that takes you from williamsburg to Park Slope?
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What are the names of good grocery stores and supermarkets around 42nd Street in Sunset Park?
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Churches with an African-American demographic in Brownsville?
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How safe is Knickerbocker Avenue in Bushwick for a pacificist.
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How can I find Modern Orthodox synagogues in the Midwood/Prospect Heights area?
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Coming to Union St on Wednesday night. Any suggestions for Bargain clothing shops, must sees etc
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Why are there so many homes for sale on St. Felix in Ft. Greene?
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Anyone been to Madiba Restaurant in Fort Green, Brooklyn?
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Great story about finding the right apartment in Park Slope
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