Dawson St, Seward Park
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- Lack of Traffic
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- Clean & Green
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Dawson St
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- Clean & Green
- Lack of Traffic
"Warehouses and wholesale businesses"
Much of SODO (Seattle's industrial district SOuth of DOwntown) occurs between South 1st and 4th Avenues. And most of the retail shops are north of Spokane Street. So unless you're going to one of the warehouses or wholesalers on Dawson Street, you're likely to never use the street in yoru SODO travels. Hertz has an equipment rental shop on the corner of 4th and Dawson. There is also the Allied Waste offices, a mason supply store and Iridio, which is a wholesale prepress shop. Other than that, Dawson St is mainly used when traffic gets backed up on 1st or 4th Ave South to cut over so you can get where you need to go.