3.6 out of 10

Farmdale Ave, West Adams

34.0250864279368 -118.346034431077
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  • Professionals
  • Families with kids



"Decent family area"

This is a family residential area in Los Angeles. There are a few multi-family homes but the majority of the homes are single residence family homes. There aren't in fine dining establishment around here but it is very close to Culver City where you'll find some great places. There are a lot of trees on this street so there is also a lot of foliage too. Parking isn't very hard to find either. If it not at your door you can usually find a spot a few feet away since most residences have private driveways. Its quiet and neighbors usually keep to themselves.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
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"Decent family area"
34.0250864279368 -118.346034431077

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