2.0 out of 10

Fondren Rd, Braeburn

29.6813965075183 -95.5087120195086
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"This is HORRIBLE"

My ex-boyfriend lived here, so I was often visiting. This street is HORRIBLE. There are mainly apartments on this street which is not a problem in and of itself. But the complexes are not well kept, the gates are often broken which means anyone and everyone can walk or drive up off of the street into the complex. Most of the time it is noisy, and the police are always being called. The driveways and sidewalks are often in bad condition, with many holes. Safety is an issue, there tends to be many incidents of break ins and vandalism in a majority of the complexes. There are many restaurants and grocery stores on the street, so that is not an area which is lacking. This used to be a pretty nice street/area when about 15 years ago, but it has changed for the worse. Unless the city/civic association makes many changes I would not recommend that street to ANYONE.
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"This is HORRIBLE"
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