The vet program at CSU is one of the top programs in the nation, and it is really as good as its reputation. They work on every type of pet from the typical dogs, cats, and horses to invertebrates, reptiles, farm animals, rodents, and other unusual pets. Additionally, when there is something unusual going on with a pet there are available specialists in other departments throughout CSU, which assists them in all manners. They have even successfully treated animals with bubonic plague. These guys are awesome.
Even when students from the vet program work on treating your pet, it is under supervision and after extensive training. I am not joking when I say their vet program is as difficult as medical school, according to many sources. I have known many people and professionals in the veterinary program and they are all compassionate and extremely dedicated to provide the best care possible for your animals. I am not saying that people don't make mistakes, but I would take a CSU vet student, still in school, over someone that gained their education at 80% of the other veterinary programs. After 10 years living in Fort Collins, I have never heard anyone complain about the care they received for their pets there. In addition, most people I know take their animals there, religiously.
I feel that you should express your concerns but allow them to treat your animal. I do not think your pet will ever come to any harm, and hey, you may have met your future veterinarian!