7.0 out of 10

Johnson St, Hollywood Hills

Ranked 1st best street in Hollywood Hills
26.0180419508659 -80.1889984767466
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"Great side street in hollywood FL near shopping centers."

Johnson street is located near Hawthrone Circle in Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood FL. This street has considered on of the more major streets as many businesses complex, shopping centers, and smaller retail chains located throughout the streets in this area. This street is not busy during the rush hour times as it is considered a side streets in the Hollywood FL area. This street also have some smaller homes but are located further away on this street. This street also is close by a major shopping center with various restaurants in the area.
Recommended for
  • Singles

"Just plain boring"

This street is mainly for the elderly. There is really nothing much going on around here, basically all houses. Johnson st is a residential area. They do have two very important buildings, the hospital, Memorial East as well as Memorial West. Unless you have to go to the hospital or are trying to buy a house there is nothing really there.
Recommended for
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

"A good street for getting east to west in Hollywood Florida"

I like this street, most of it is residential. The Joe Dimaggio Childrens Hospital is also on this street and my post office. Its usually low on traffic and easy to get from one place to another. I also find it interesting that in this spot of Fort Lauderdale there are a series of streets named for US Presidents in the order that they served in office. This street is actually named after Andrew Johnson. I think that the streets go up to Woodrow Wilson, they may end there, but I'm not sure.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
location map

Best Streets in Hollywood Hills


Johnson St

"Great side street in hollywood FL near shopping centers."
26.0180419508659 -80.1889984767466

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