6.8 out of 10

Middlebrook Dr, Pasadena

29.6018675001029 -95.1077289967285
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Who lives here?
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees



"nice and family friendly"

This street runs between Clear Lake City Blvd and Space Center Blvd. It is filled with neighborhoods, a middle school, Boeing, and University of Houston Clear Lake. With all its amenities, you would think its traffic would be atrocious yet every time I visit this street it is smooth sailing. It is in a great location to get to the highway but an even better location for Boeing and Johnson Space Center employees as well as those who desire to visit Kemah
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
location map

Unranked Streets in Pasadena

"nice and family friendly"
29.6018675001029 -95.1077289967285

Burke Rd

"Busy street with a lot going on"
29.6311254434079 -95.1812228173109
"Shopping central in Pasadena"
29.6510025026749 -95.2071310001812

Alvin St

"Crazy neighbors... stay away"
29.7004711129017 -95.1939031897084

Aspen Dr

"Quiet, Friendly, Family Oriented neighborhood. Good school district, safe, high school, jr. high and elementary within 3 blocks. Perfect place for a family!!!!!"
29.6400311619585 -95.1682826450963

Delta St

"Great Park with pool"
29.7060875714385 -95.1785653469292
"Good community, great place to live..."
29.7085655323071 -95.1813281875006

Norman St

"I love this neighborhood but not this street"
29.7054299754401 -95.1800292720677

Parkwood Dr

"Great neighborhood with park close by..."
29.7048786026791 -95.1564771109595
"Great housing development"
29.6015738844675 -95.1014202064338

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