3.0 out of 10

Moselle St, East Side

Ranked 2nd best street in East Side
42.9131533513406 -78.8242668079654
Great for
  • Internet Access
  • Medical Facilities
  • Neighborly Spirit
Not great for
  • Childcare
  • Eating Out
  • Gym & Fitness
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Shopping Options
Who lives here?
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids



"bad news, run down street - good news, help will come"

I am a lifelong city of buffalo resident. When i was a child, i had alot of friends from tree lined moselle street. it was a mostly black area which was big on family, big families, big houses.

through urban blight, landlords who were unwise in their choice of tenants, bad luck and just plain old housing stock the street has fallen on very hard times. drugs, abandoned buildings, crime and sadness permeate this once lovely area.

the good news is that our city has the cheapest housing stock in america (truly, look us up!) and little by little people are making inroads and fixing up these once proud streets.

i am sure every street has a soul and has memories and moselle street has alot of memories of proud families who worked hard to make their dreams come true. then they moved away. little by little people are coming back - the land is there for new build houses, some of the houses are there in need of rehab and you can't beat the friendliness of our citizens or our housing prices.

I believe we will see how moselle can come back, along with a bunch of our other inner city streets. we have all the ingredients, now we have to make the banquet!
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
2/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 3/5
  • Safe & Sound 2/5
  • Clean & Green 2/5
  • Pest Free 2/5
  • Peace & Quiet 2/5
  • Eating Out 1/5
  • Nightlife 2/5
  • Parks & Recreation 1/5
  • Shopping Options 1/5
  • Gym & Fitness 1/5
  • Internet Access 4/5
  • Lack of Traffic 2/5
  • Cost of Living 2/5
  • Resale or Rental Value 2/5
  • Public Transport 2/5
  • Medical Facilities 4/5
  • Schools 1/5
  • Childcare 1/5

"What happened to Moselle Street."

I lived on this street in the early 90's it was not the best neighborhood but it sure wasn't the worst either. Now the street has gone to the dogs. Many of the houses are abandoned and all the homeowners have left. Drugs and crime has come into the neighborhood at an alarming rate. I would suggest it you value your personal safety to stay away from this street.
Recommended for
  • Singles
location map

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Moselle St

"What happened to Moselle Street."
42.9131533513406 -78.8242668079654

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