6.8 out of 10

North Clybourn Ave, DePaul

41.9222229683498 -87.665244211606
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"Main Thoroughfare with Lots of Practical Shopping"

Clybourn Street runs on a diagonal through a large chunk of the north side of Chicago. The street is littered with strip malls and stand-alone retail stores - a great place to find anything you could possibly need. Whether you're looking for grocery stores (ranging from Whole Foods to Treasure Island to Dominick's) or furniture (Arhaus, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel), Clybourn will take you there! There are tons of restaurants, doctor's offices, fast food chains, and clothing stores too. Consequently, the street is well-trafficked and can be very noisy. Also, if you live on the east side of Clybourn, there are many spots where the "eL" tracks will be right outside your back door. Not a quiet thoroughfare, but a very useful one!
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Retirees
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