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San Miguel Dr, Chula Vista

32.6235514616825 -117.068576496913

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"Downtown Chula Vista - Quaint yet Modern"
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Unranked Streets in Chula Vista

"Also Known as ELP"
32.6398800739583 -116.966146262338
"Chula Vista is a Great Rapidly Growing San Diego Suburb."
32.6526367222492 -116.987090786654

Hunte Pkwy

"Great Eastlake Parkway Bypass"
32.6416004144639 -116.955082837433

Olympic Pkwy

"Chula Vista's Expressway?"
32.6260924853612 -116.984150764685

Pso Ranchero

"Main Street in Rancho Del Rey but boring street"
32.6269047125612 -117.008725133706
"Short Arterial in RDR Area!"
32.6241032329901 -117.023956586202
"Major thoroughfair in Chula Vista"
32.6432091456334 -116.996115999515

4th Ave

"The Other Main N-S Street in CV"
32.6183479972629 -117.075451766842


"Not as bad As You think"
32.6218925842584 -117.085914176428

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