Seaview Ave Northwest, Sunset Hill
Ranked 1st best street in Sunset Hill
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Seaview Ave Northwest
"Great Coastal Drive"
I highly recommend traveling down this street when in town. Many great places to sopt and eat at. There are also parts that you can stop at and walk out to the water. It is very nice and looks great at sunrise or sunset. I could gaze off ino that distance for a long time.
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Seaview Ave Northwest
"Superb Waterfront Views, A Park and Good Eating"
Seaview Avenue runs along Elliot Bay in the Ballard Neighborhood. At the south end you'll find Ray's Boathouse, a Seattle institution and great restaurant. Mid-point takes you to the marina, plenty of parking and you can take a nice long walk with the sea breeze in your face. At the north end is Golden Gardens Park, a favorite picnicing spot.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
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