Thorndyke Ave West, Interbay
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Thorndyke Ave West
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- Safe & Sound
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"One of the busiest thoroughfares in Magnolia"
Some of the homes on Thorndyke Ave. W. have some spectacular views of Puget Sound, the Seattle skyline and Mt. Rainier. The road, itself, is a partly divided main thoroughfare along the east side of Magnolia. Ending at W. Galer St. to the south, the residents have quick access to the Magnolia bridge and the marina on Elliott Bay.
Like most of Magnolia, home prices can be on the high side, but you might find a pretty good deal among the bunch.
Traffic is heavier on this street, and often catches the east-side commuters, though there's never any real backups in Magnolia to speak of. There are some stretches of the road where it is lined with dense trees and bushes, mainly to block out the sound and view of the railroad tracks.
Like most of Magnolia, home prices can be on the high side, but you might find a pretty good deal among the bunch.
Traffic is heavier on this street, and often catches the east-side commuters, though there's never any real backups in Magnolia to speak of. There are some stretches of the road where it is lined with dense trees and bushes, mainly to block out the sound and view of the railroad tracks.
Recommended for
- Singles