Questions in Turtle Bay
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Recently Answered Questions in Turtle Bay
What are the most affordable grocery stores in Turtle Bay?
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What will a 1 bedroom rental cost in Turtle Bay, New York City?
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Is the public transportation from Turtle Bay in New York City ok?
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Best resources for finding an apartment in Turtle Bay, New York City?
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What will a 2 bedroom rental in Turtle Bay, New York City cost me per month?
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Does the Turtle Bay neighborhood in New York City have alot of crime compared to the rest of New York City?
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Turtle Bay, New York City - What are home prices like at the lower, middle and top end?
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Living in the Turtle Bay neighborhood of New York City - whats it like?
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Should any parts of Turtle Bay in New York City be avoided more than others?
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Turtle Bay, New York City - What are the most expensive streets in the neighborhood?
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Turtle Bay, New York City - Where are the grocery stores if I move there?
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Turtle Bay, New York City - fitness center recommendations for a single girl?
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Best Pizza in Turtle Bay, New York City - what do the locals think?
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Is Turtle Bay in New York City a good place to live for singles?
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What other New York City neighborhoods are similar to Turtle Bay?
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What is the average home price in Turtle Bay, New York City?
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Turtle Bay, New York City - good neighborhood for families with kids?
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How walkable is the Turtle Bay neighborhood in New York City?
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Best Turtle Bay, New York City restaurants? What do the locals think are the best in the neighborhood?
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