Twin Peaks Blvd, Midtown Terrace
Ranked 1st best street in Midtown Terrace
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- Clean & Green
- Lack of Traffic
- Neighborly Spirit
- Peace & Quiet
- Safe & Sound
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Twin Peaks Blvd
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Lack of Traffic
- Cost of Living
- Public Transport
"Great view from the top!"
Twin Peaks Boulevard is a great place to go to for tourists and bikers. First, for bikers, this road is great to go downhill on as you will gain a high speed and will literally be going as fast as the cars are. But at the same time it is quite dangerous because it is on a high and steep hill and twists and turns quite often. Tourists will enjoy the drive up to the top where they can get a great view of the residential areas of San Francisco. Twins Peaks is one of the highest points in San Francisco, which makes it a great tourist destination, for those who want to move away from Downtown San Francisco.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
Twin Peaks Blvd
"Quiet Ride to the Top"
If you really want to see what residential San Francisco is, this street will give you a taste. While enjoying the ride up to one of the best attractions of the city, you will see houses and condos built on the slope of the peaks. The area is peaceful and quiet until you get to the top. People of all ages can enjoy the beauty of the city from the highest point in the bay area. I go to twin peaks every month.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
Twin Peaks Blvd
"Street that leads you up to Twin Peaks for stunning views of the city!"
Twin Peaks Boulevard is the main street that leads you up to San Francisco’s famous Twin Peaks Mountains. If you didn’t know, Twin Peaks has the best views of not only the entire San Francisco but a large portion of the Bay Area also, that is when it isn’t foggy. Twin Peaks Boulevard serves really one purpose and that is to get to the top of the mountain. At the top, there is a parking lot and lots of viewing areas where visitors come. I do not recall ever seeing many houses on Twin Peaks Boulevard but I do know there are some side streets which have some gorgeous homes with stunning views of the city. The street itself is somewhat narrow and I have heard of a few accidents so be cautious as you drive up the mountain.
Twin Peaks Blvd
"Twin Peaks is Gorgeous!"
This is an amazing place to drive up. Make sure that you stop off to watch the sunrise or sunset. Remember to bring your camera. Oh and also a coat, because it can get quite chilly up at the top. I would definitely recommend taking this beautiful drive. It is amazing.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Retirees