2.9 out of 10

Crenshaw Blvd, Mid-Wilshire

Ranked 4th best street in Mid-Wilshire
34.0555632971136 -118.322470011122
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"No longer the pride of the African American Community!"

Crenshaw Boulevard was once the inner city hot spot, full of places to go, music, African American heritage, pride, and tradition. However presently the street is over congested, unclean, and full of street hustlers trying to make a quick dollar,

Although the street is home to Leimert Park, a somewhat historical landmark in the community, it too is warn down and unattended. However the surrounding community has managed to maintain its value throughout the years,

Not the best representation of Los Angeles or the African American Community!
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"Everyones in a hurry"

Crenshaw Blvd has some nice places to stop at such as Macy's African American mini museum, Lemert Park Sunday’s drum session, Creole cafe in the mall area on top "great food" but because of unfortunate events may never open again..Very sad they had the best bread pudding. It seems to me that during the day is when it can get a little crazy. There are always allot of police waiting in various locations after speaking to one they said they have police officers specifically for the area because of so many accidents. I enjoy Crenshaw they have a actual free standing crispy crème’s I don't frequent the place that much but I have not seen one any where else in surrounding areas. Also the wing stop has decent wings. There are allot of food places on Crenshaw. And I’m mainly referring to Crenshaw in between Adams and Stocker. I would not like on Crenshaw but it is usually action packed.
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"Kinda of Blah"

I come to Crenshaw Blvd. to use the library, but the street is really rundown and their is more factory around the street than their are shops. If you are looking for something to do best not come here, but if you need a library it's good for that. I think the overall attitude is poor as well since it's mainly low income families that live here. I think you would really only come to this street is if you lived here or if you were visiting a factory near here, but deffianantly nothing else.
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