6.5 out of 10

Hayes St, Alamo Square

Ranked 1st best street in Alamo Square
37.7756247591456 -122.432844025359
Great for
  • Internet Access
  • Shopping Options
  • Eating Out
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Public Transport
Not great for
  • Childcare
  • Clean & Green
  • Peace & Quiet
  • Pest Free
  • Lack of Traffic
Who lives here?
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  • Retirees



"Hayes Street has some amazing dining"

Hayes Street is one of the funnest places I went while in San Francisco. On the top of the famous Hayes Valley shopping district, Hayes Street has some of the best food in the area. While I visited there was one place I particularly liked. The first place was called Absinthe Brasserie & Bar at 388 Hayes Street. This French style restaurant had some delicious food and a great bar. The atmosphere was great, the food amazing, and the price relatively inexpensive ($15-30). This street was full of fun stuff to do/explore and would make a great stop on a visit to San Francisco.
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  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

"The celebrity sibling. Well, kind of ..."

Bordering the southern side of Alamo Square, Hayes Street could arguably be overlooked as falling into the shadow of Steiner and its so called "painted ladies." Wandering off into Alamo Square on any given fair weathered weekend, you'll be rewarded by a sea of pooches and the people who have brought them there, balls, Frisbees, coffee aroma and childrens laughter. You may even want to venture off to the East to look at those iconic, colored, "weatherboards." Honestly, there is so much beautiful and intriguing architecture to be seen in this area. Park the car, grab your camera and be prepared to break a sweat as you explore this street and it's surrounding area. There's something here for everyone.
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  • Retirees

"Many shops and places to visit on Hayes Street"

Hayes Street is just North of the Panhandle (North of Fell Street). Hayes Street begins at Stanyon Street and ends at the crossing of Larkin and Market Street. Hayes Street is quiet, yet at times you will hear a bus driving by as Hayes Street is one of the main roads for the 21 Muni bus. As you approach Market Street, Hayes Street tends to be a bit noisier as Market Street is a very busy street. On Hayes Street you will come by Saint Mary’s Hospital, Ida B. Wells High School, various shops, and Freewheels Bike Shop. I have biked down this street before, and it was a very peaceful ride as there was not much traffic. Hayes Street will also take you to Golden Gate Park as you head West, and to Hayes Valley and Market Street to the East.
Recommended for
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  • Retirees
2/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 3/5
  • Safe & Sound 2/5
  • Clean & Green 1/5
  • Pest Free 1/5
  • Peace & Quiet 1/5
  • Eating Out 4/5
  • Nightlife 3/5
  • Parks & Recreation 4/5
  • Shopping Options 5/5
  • Gym & Fitness 3/5
  • Internet Access 5/5
  • Lack of Traffic 2/5
  • Cost of Living 3/5
  • Resale or Rental Value 3/5
  • Public Transport 4/5
  • Medical Facilities 3/5
  • Schools 2/5
  • Childcare 1/5

"NOPA, for the most part...."

I lived on Hayes between Masonic and Central for 3 years - for you old timers, we moved in before they tore down the old Petrini's market. Not a bad spot at all, for City livin'. What I dont miss - the 21 Hayes bus - with 2 stops on either end of my block, the roar of Masonic and Oak/Fell and crack houses on Central. What I do miss - being a block from the Panhandle and a few more to Golden Gate park proper. Back in the day, local food choices were minimal - but that has probably changed.

Way way back in the day, I lived in Hayes Vally. That was so long ago the Central Freeway was still there. Needless to say, that stretch of the street has changed. But some things - like Hayes Street Grill - have not.

I still get down to Hayes Valley (Bulo baby!) every month or so, but NOPA is just not on the radar right now.
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"New Quirky Place"

Hayes Valley, particularly Hayes Street, has improved a lot. There are now many good restaurants and, my favorite, a chocolate store on the corner of Hayes and Gough called Christopher Elbow Artisanal Chocolates. It has very unique chocolates that are delicious but a bit expensive. I recommend just a visit to see the crazy flavors and I highly recommend the five spice hot chocolate. Hayes Street also now has many cute boutiques with unique clothes. My favorite is called Ethans which is on Hayes near Octavia. They have unique clothes for a reasonable price. Overall, the vibe of this neighborhood is fresh and unique with all the different food places, clothing stores, and galleries. I spent a good day there just walking around with my friends.
Recommended for
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  • Singles
  • Families with kids

"Hayes St. A Little Taste of Europe in San Franciscio"

You wouldn't expect it but right in the middle of Downtown San Francisco is a lively little strip of shops that remind you of shops you find in europe. More specifically, Hayes St. between Laguna and Franklin is just filled with cute shops offering a Plethora of quality merchandise. Take a stroll down this street you'll find a French Cafe, a German Resturant, a Brasserie and the city's best seafood resturant. You also find high end shops offering pottery, folk art, clothing and antiques. A three block area just full of life.
Recommended for
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  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

"Shop, Stop and then more Shopping"

Hayes Street is an amazing street for shopping. Lots of funky, quirky, off the wall shops. This is one of those places where you could quite literally "Shop 'til you drop". Really, you could spend so much time here that you will really just want to pass out at the end of all of it. Hayes Valley is great. This is one of the best places to pick up memorable souvenirs for friends or family.
Recommended for
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  • Singles
  • Retirees

"Always a Good Time"

My optometrist is on Hayes Street, so when I go I always make sure to allow for extra time to wander around. I love the shops on this street. There are a couple high-end shoe stores (fun to look, not so much to buy!), a sake store (great for gifts), a pretty lingerie store, a Mexican folk art store (my fav!), a couple cute deli's and restaurants, and a yoga studio. Best of all, because I'm a parent, there is a park at the intersection of Hayes and Octavia. It's a fairly new park and a great addition to the street. Finding areas of the city that are not only fun for you but for your kids, too, is difficult. Overall, Hayes St. is a great place for the entire family.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
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