6.8 out of 10

Kimberly Pl, Kingsbridge

40.8777690804588 -73.9058136616575
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  • Retirees



"Tiny Little Residential Street"

Kimberly Place is a small street that originates at Godwin Terrace and ends one short block east of Broadway. It's two blocks long. The block between Godwin Terrace and Broadway has an apartment building on the corner, a public school across the street, and the end that joins Broadway is just the side of an electronics store and a diner, making that apartment building the only building with an address on Kimberly Place. I often find parking on this little street. On the east side of Broadway, the street ends in a public parking lot, the kind where you park yourself and keep the keys. On the other side of the parking lot is the Deegan Expressway. Perhaps Kimberly place was once longer, before they built the expressway.

The biggest draw to this area is convenience, as it is near the 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, and 20 buses, and the number one subway, not to mention all kinds of shopping, such as supermarkets, 99 cent stores, electronics, home accessories, pet store, walgreen's, duane reade, restaurants, and post office.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
location map

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