6.9 out of 10

Montana Cir, Magnolia

Ranked 5th best street in Magnolia
47.6612670000397 -122.41609149895
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"Beautiful drive close to walking trails"

Kansas Avenue is a short but scenic drive with little traffic and nothing but sweet lucidity. The area is quiet and peaceful and perfect for a Sunday drive. Discovery Park is located nearby and offers a tremendous amount of walking trails. Discovery Park is known as Seattle's largest park and quite popular for those locals needing some green space. Kansas Avenue is not short on greenery either. Bordered by Salmon Bay to the north and Elliott Bay to the south, the entire area of Magnolia is a hilly and scenic adventure.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

"A beautiful nature drive"

Starting at Discovery Park, take Utah Ave to Kansas Ave which will take you through beautiful trees where you can catch glimpes of the Puget Sound. There isn't too much bother from the sewer plant, the trees cover most of it so you don't even know it's there. Kansas will loop around to the east to turn into Illinois Ave and back to Utah Ave so you wind back up at the park, or you can take Kansas west to Alaska Ave, again winding back up at the park. All the drives are short scenic drives, get your kids out into nature via the car.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
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"Premier residential street in beautiful Magnolia"
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"Get out and take a drive"
47.6422878425525 -122.415600815226
"Beautiful neighborhood with pricey 1900s built homes with a view"
47.6456202930275 -122.403633762291

Montana Cir

"A beautiful nature drive"
47.6612670000397 -122.41609149895
"A Street With A Strong Community"
47.6411526200003 -122.398322206335

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