6.1 out of 10

West Smith St, Magnolia

Ranked 6th best street in Magnolia
47.6411526200003 -122.398322206335
Great for
  • Clean & Green
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Safe & Sound
  • Schools
Not great for
  • No ratings yet
Who lives here?
  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
  • Singles
  • Retirees


3/5 rating details
  • Safe & Sound 4/5
  • Clean & Green 4/5
  • Parks & Recreation 4/5
  • Schools 4/5

"Quiet and well maintained yards with small gardens"

This is a nice and quiet residential street in the heart of Magnolia. Located along the south side of Magnolia Playground, W Smith Street is a great street for young families. The street is quiet overall and the homes, although smaller and less expensive, are great for the couple just beginning their family life. Not too far from the area are some million dollar tudor style homes, which keeps the neighborhood up to par. There is not a lot of traffic, although you will see cars parked along the side of the road in typical Seattle fashion. Homes have small yards and are mostly fenced for children. Gardens and lots of green shrubs are found around the homes which keeps the neighborhood spruced up. This is a comfortable average to above average area to live.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

"A Street With A Strong Community"

Smith Street is, above all, a very friendly street. You can see the neighbors walking the sidewalks constantly, with dogs or strollers in hand. In addition, the residents use their yards quite a bit, whether playing catch with their kids or gardening. It’s a very close, warm community where everybody knows each other.
Recommended for
  • Families with kids

"Wonderful for Couple"

This is a great street for a couple just starting out. It is made up of mostly small, affordable houses in a great city. It's near plenty to do, but far enough away that you won't be bothered by the city problems. There are not too many dogs barking at night, although it can be loud at times. There are not any block parties or anything that I've seen, but the neighbors are generally friendly and helpful whenever you need to borrow a tool or a cup of sugar.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
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