North Beverly Dr, Beverly Crest
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North Beverly Dr
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
- Cost of Living
"Cute street. Ton of big houses."
Beverly Drive is most noteworthy in the Beverly Hills commercial area but as the street goes north, you are getting into some prime real estate. The first bit of North Bev has a lot of chain restaurants which is kind of funny for this section of town. There is a CPK, Chipotle and Chin Chin within like a block of each other. That may not sound like anything noteworthy but for this area, it is quite peculiar. Some of the most expensive restaurants in the city are on the surrounding streets so I find it funny that someone would go into Beverly Hills and eat at CPK. Although, Chin Chin has some of the best spicy peanut noodles I've ever had (way better than Crustacean) so I guess I can't knock it too much.
Once you cross Santa Monica, however, the landscape completely changes. You go for a highly commercial area with a ton of shopping and eateries into a very serene residential zone with some incredible houses. The houses aren't like the sprawling estates in Bel Air, but the further you go up into the hills, the more expansive the homes get. And, even the houses just above Santa Monica are nothing to scoff at. The smallest and oldest ones go for well into the millions. I actually even kind of prefer the homes closer to the commercial area because the street resembles suburbia way more than the hill part of it. It really is tree lined streets with 2.2 kids. Although there is some pretty dense traffic around so there definitely aren't bikes in the street.
Further up into the hills, the homes are massive. And, they are much more private. A lot of them are completely surrounded by trees and it actually does seem like you're in the mountains at certain points. Driving in this area at night is not only creepy because it's so dark, it's kind of dangerous because of the twists and turns in the dark. Nevertheless, it's a beautiful and very quiet street with some gorgeous homes. There's not much to do when you're really in the thick of it, but if you can afford to buy a home on North Beverly, it's pretty nice.
Once you cross Santa Monica, however, the landscape completely changes. You go for a highly commercial area with a ton of shopping and eateries into a very serene residential zone with some incredible houses. The houses aren't like the sprawling estates in Bel Air, but the further you go up into the hills, the more expansive the homes get. And, even the houses just above Santa Monica are nothing to scoff at. The smallest and oldest ones go for well into the millions. I actually even kind of prefer the homes closer to the commercial area because the street resembles suburbia way more than the hill part of it. It really is tree lined streets with 2.2 kids. Although there is some pretty dense traffic around so there definitely aren't bikes in the street.
Further up into the hills, the homes are massive. And, they are much more private. A lot of them are completely surrounded by trees and it actually does seem like you're in the mountains at certain points. Driving in this area at night is not only creepy because it's so dark, it's kind of dangerous because of the twists and turns in the dark. Nevertheless, it's a beautiful and very quiet street with some gorgeous homes. There's not much to do when you're really in the thick of it, but if you can afford to buy a home on North Beverly, it's pretty nice.
- Beautiful homes
- Serene
- Dead at night
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees