Questions in Philadelphia
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Recently Answered Questions in Philadelphia
Are there any good brunch spots in Washington Square West?
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What is the best bar on a Friday night in Passyunk Square?
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Are there any malls or shopping plazas in the neighborhood?
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Are there any places with volunteer opportunities for teenagers?
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How long does is take to get to the beach from Philadelphia?
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What would a condo in Center City Philadelphia cost to own? To Rent?
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Moving from NY, 30 yr old financial service professional - best neighborhood?
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I'm looking for a night out in South Philadelphia - what are the best bars/clubs in the area?
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Are there any car washes in the city, or would I have to go to a suburb?
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Which neighborhood is best for someone that doesn't own a car?
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Are there any hair salons with quality service but low prices in Rittenhouse?
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Where is the best place to take a tourist or visitor for the day?
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