Questions in Philadelphia
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Recently Answered Questions in Philadelphia
What's the best spot to live for college students in Philadelphia?
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2 Answers
Where is the best place to take musical instrument lessons?
4 people following this question
3 Answers
Moving to Philly. Have a dog. Where is a good downtown place to live with a small backyard?
2 people following this question
1 Answer
Any thought on a Rock Hill apts.? Have child attending college thinking about moving in there.
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0 Answers
I'm looking at renting a place at 51st and Springfield in SW Cedar Park. What's safety like?
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Where do you see the neighborhood of northwood going and where do you think itll be in 10 years ?
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whats the place in pennsylvania for childcare and medical facilities
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I would like to know about a diversed neighborhood in Philadelphia with good schools
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what do you think of 1500 block of Lambert & 1900 block of Mountain?
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Looking at a home directly next to the rail line. is it worth it? Noise?
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