6.1 out of 10

Terry Francois St, Mission Bay

Ranked 3rd best street in Mission Bay
37.7713716445651 -122.386540042886
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"China Basin/Terry A. Francois Street by the bay"

Home to AT&T park China Basin has nice apartments and condos right on the bay. People can watch ships from their windows. There are some interesting memorials and sculpture but over all it is just becoming a place to be. As with most places in San Fransisco there are some good places for music along the street but they are mostly dance clubs
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"Plain street that hosts the main AT&T Park parking lot"

Terry a Francois Street is a unique street that begins in the AT&T Park parking lot and runs a few blocks down the eastern waterfront. The street is very plain and acts only as a transportation street down the side of various parking lots and various docks. Nearly half of Terry a Francois Street runs by nothing but flat land with nothing but machinery and dock buildings.

I know mainly of this street as the street next to the big parking lot at AT&T that runs into McCovey Cove. The cove is a pretty place to be especially during nice nights and big ballgames as there is also a crowd. I really enjoy sitting on the rocks on Terry a Francois Street and pre-partying before the actual game begins. There is usually a fairly large crowd in this area.
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