Tillary St, Downtown Brooklyn
Ranked 7th best street in Downtown Brooklyn
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Tillary St
"Cross that bridge when you come to it."
It may not be a street name that conjures up to many images for you but the Brooklyn Bridge is synonymous with New York and should be part of everyone’s itinerary. It’s a fascinating structure, more so considering it dates back to the 1800s and again, is another landmark in New York that seems perfect for tourists to stare at but actually forms an integral part of many people’s everyday lives.
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Tillary St
"traffic, noisy, street"
tillary street is a major street in the down town brooklyn area. it has direct access to both the brooklyn queens expressway, manhattan bridge , and brooklyn bridge. Not to mention that it also intersects flatbush avenue. if you want to knwo what real nyc traffic is drive here at 8 o'clock am on a monday morning. the street is home to many offices, and government buildings , such as the federal court houses, and communications center for police and fire departments. need less to say theres alot happening on this street.
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Tillary St
"Street with a View"
Welcome to Brooklyn! When we drove to visit friends in Brooklyn, we drove on Brooklyn Bridge Blud to get there. We came into the city on a Sunday afternoon. The traffic was not too bad. The bridge had a great view of the Upper New York Bay. I would avoid driving on this road during rush hour. Our friends told us it is a complete gridlock.
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