5.2 out of 10

West Oakdale Ave, Lakeview

41.9354386157637 -87.650125580224
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"Mediocre Lakeview Living"

I had a friend that lived on Oakdale and spent a good deal of time at his house. Parking nearby was virtually impossible - any time of day, any time of year. Access to the lakefront was amazing, however, and the views from his high-rise apartment were astounding. A few blocks southwest, there were several good restaurant and retail options (along Diversey and Clark or Broadway), but in the winter, we didn't ever want to walk that far. This was basically a Peapod-grocery-delivery, order-in, ride-a-crowded-bus-to-work residential location...and he only lasted there for one year!
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"Mediocre Lakeview Living"
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