West Ruffner St, Magnolia
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West Ruffner St
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
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"A main arterial connecting quiet neighborhoods"
There are no addresses on W. Ruffner St., but the 2-lane arterial sprouts several quiet neighborhoods along its 14 blocks. The street is relatively green, though compared to most of Magnolia, it's practically desolate. Like most east-west streets, there are no homes sitting directly on the road, and W. Ruffner St. sees more of the lost visitors to Magnolia on their way to Discovery Park that most streets, since it parallels the main thoroughfare, W. Emerson St.
That's not to say the neighborhoods jutting off of this street aren't quiet and less-traveled. The traffic from W. Ruffner does little to detract from the peacefulness of Magnolia living. Since everything in this community is so close, shopping and dining are little more than a walk away. And Discovery Park offers so much in the way of recreation, including miles of walking and hiking trails, picnic spots and outstanding views of Puget Sound.
Overall, Magnolia is one of the premier places to live in Seattle, though the south end sees less tourist traffic than the north end, near Seattle's largest park.
That's not to say the neighborhoods jutting off of this street aren't quiet and less-traveled. The traffic from W. Ruffner does little to detract from the peacefulness of Magnolia living. Since everything in this community is so close, shopping and dining are little more than a walk away. And Discovery Park offers so much in the way of recreation, including miles of walking and hiking trails, picnic spots and outstanding views of Puget Sound.
Overall, Magnolia is one of the premier places to live in Seattle, though the south end sees less tourist traffic than the north end, near Seattle's largest park.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees