Westwood Blvd, Westwood
Ranked 6th best street in Westwood
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Westwood Blvd
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
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"Best done on foot"
Westwood Plaza is basically the front entrance to UCLA. It gives off the perfect first impression to what is one of the biggest and most beautiful university campuses in the world. The famed UCLA Medical Center is right there, as are tons of bumbling youth...our future leaders actually. Traffic is real bad on Thursday and Saturday nights when there's a basketball game on campus, otherwise its generally pretty mild. Walking is generally the best away to navigate this street, and while you're on foot...you really should pop your head on the campus. It's immaculate.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
Westwood Blvd
"If you visit UCLA avoid this street"
This is the main entrance to UCLA. The problem is that this is the entrance ot the medical plaza and the UCLA med center. So if you want ot get in time to your appt or work pick the other university streets. Parking kiosks are everywhere at the university entrances. The traffic is awful, all the buses enter there and the university has decided to put 4 traffic lights in this small stretch. Bad bad...