2nd Ave Southwest, Burien
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- Lack of Traffic
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2nd Ave Southwest
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Peace & Quiet
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"A great walking park right in your back yard"
The cul-de-sac of 2nd Ave. SW off of SW 128th St. offers peace and quiet to residents, with a terrific park right in their back yard. Traffic along the street is non-existent, though SW 128th St. is a major thoroughfare, and left turns out of the neighborhood may be a little inconvenient. There's an Albertson's right around the corner, making grocery shopping easy and convenient. SW 128th St. offers quick access to Hwy 509, giving locals a 15-minute drive to downtown Seattle.
Salmon Creek and Seahurst parks are a short distance away, providing a huge area for kids to play, and provide beach access. There are several schools in the area for families with kids, not to mention the backyard park. Generally a quiet street, homes farther from the main arterial get less traffic noise.
Salmon Creek and Seahurst parks are a short distance away, providing a huge area for kids to play, and provide beach access. There are several schools in the area for families with kids, not to mention the backyard park. Generally a quiet street, homes farther from the main arterial get less traffic noise.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids