Questions in Denver
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Recently Answered Questions in Denver
What are some of your favorite sites for viewing Holiday displays?
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Has anyone been to any great haunted houses in the Denver area?
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Are there any child care facilities in the Baker area of Denver?
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Are there gangs in Denver, I heard there were in Colorado Springs?
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Who are the best acupuncturists in Denver and the surrounding areas?
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2 Answers
Are there any good haunted houses or kid-friendly Halloween activities in Denver this time of year?
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2 Answers
Does anyone know what the best haunted houses are in the Denver area right now?
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Are there any good schools in the Berkeley neighborhood of Denver?
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Where are the best indian food restuarant(s) in Denver?
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Are there any good places to go dancing in Denver without the bar scene?
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Are there any good vegetarian or vegan restaurants in Denver?
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How do I find out what internet options are available in the area I am looking?
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If you had to live on Colfax, what would be the safest apartment complex?
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Which schools or school district around Denver has the worst reputation?
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Are there any safe, affordable apartments / houses near DIA?
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How much does it cost a month to rent those new lofts near Coors Stadium?
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Does living in the Washington Park neighborhood have the same laid back feel as the park itself?
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High School in the Cory Merrill, Wash Park, Bonnie Brae, Belcaro and U. park neighborhoods
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Which neighborhoods/suburbs offer unique (non-chain) markets and/or restaurants?
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average capital employed is 80000; profit of current year is 30000. capital employed will be
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What is the range of studio apartment rents in City Park West
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Are there fewer children in Baker than in other neighborhoods around Denver?
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