East 48th St, Turtle Bay
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East 48th St
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
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- Public Transport
"Looks like a commercial area but it's not"
East 48th starts off at the UN Headquarters on the East River as do most of the other streets in this neighborhood. All of the buildings on the other side of 47th are all UN lived in apartment buildings with some laymen in the mix which I'm sure makes the building mixers either really interesting or really boring . . I'm not sure which it would be. Truman Capote lived at 870 48th at the time of his death. This used to be a really big street for artists to live on, but that is definitely not the case any longer.
Trump World Plaza is just across 1st Avenue. It's the tallest residential building in the world (72 stories). That is a massive residence and it's crazy to look up to the top and imagine people living there. It's like something from the future . . although, I guess it is the future now. The intersection of 1st and 47th used to be a creek that was paved over after it aided the spread of a cholera epidemic in the mid 19th century. My guess is that would have really put a damper on all the Trump plaza residents if it happened again, but I'm' kind of sad there's no longer a little creek running through the city. The rest of this block is taken over by less grand apartment buildings and a really ugly parking garage. It's not an attractive block by any stretch of the imagination and there's absolutely nothing to do here aside from sit in your apartment if you live here.
The block leading up to 3rd used to be home to Kurt Vonnegut, Hildegarde and EB White but now it's not much of an arty enclave to say the least. I don't know why that changed, but maybe it's because this street is depressing looking and doesn't have any sort of neighborhood energy to it. It's not a bad street to live on, but there's just nothing to it. It's largely residential but looks commercial and there's nothing fun or charming about it.
Trump World Plaza is just across 1st Avenue. It's the tallest residential building in the world (72 stories). That is a massive residence and it's crazy to look up to the top and imagine people living there. It's like something from the future . . although, I guess it is the future now. The intersection of 1st and 47th used to be a creek that was paved over after it aided the spread of a cholera epidemic in the mid 19th century. My guess is that would have really put a damper on all the Trump plaza residents if it happened again, but I'm' kind of sad there's no longer a little creek running through the city. The rest of this block is taken over by less grand apartment buildings and a really ugly parking garage. It's not an attractive block by any stretch of the imagination and there's absolutely nothing to do here aside from sit in your apartment if you live here.
The block leading up to 3rd used to be home to Kurt Vonnegut, Hildegarde and EB White but now it's not much of an arty enclave to say the least. I don't know why that changed, but maybe it's because this street is depressing looking and doesn't have any sort of neighborhood energy to it. It's not a bad street to live on, but there's just nothing to it. It's largely residential but looks commercial and there's nothing fun or charming about it.
- Tallest apartment building
- Boring
- Depressing looking
- No neighborhood feel
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Retirees