6.8 out of 10

John St, Nob Hill

37.7959545028542 -122.410809001167
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"John St: Pleasant"

John St. is a short uphill or downhill trip depending on the street you're on. This street is very quaint and, in-a-way, cozy. This street is located between Mason Street and Powell Street, where all the shops are. The great thing about this street is that it is clean, the sidewalk, the houses, and apartments. There are a few facilities nearby too, there is a park that is on this street that includes indoor sports such as ping pong, pre-school, elementary school, library, and hospital. This is a great place for a stroll too. There is a cable car stop nearby for transportation and sightseeing. The cable car museum isn't that far away either, about 3 blocks away. This street is just filled with positive aspects, it's just a great place.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
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