Questions in New York City
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Recently Answered Questions in New York City
About 3540 Dekalb Avenue Bronx New York, is it a good neighborhood?
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How safe is Sumpter Street between Boyland and Rockaway Ave?
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What Elementary schools are near and what are the scores?
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Is the area around Lincoln and Ocean Avenue safe in general and especially at night?
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I will be teaching at Williamsburg Charter School come the Fall, is there parking?
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Thinking of moving to Park Pl and Utica Ave. Any Safety Concerns?
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What is the safest and most affordable neighborhood for a recent college graduate?
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Can someone advise me of a neighborhood with tree-lined streets in or near the Financial District?
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Does anyone know about the area of Knickerbocker and Melrose st.?
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What is the best neighborhood for a French family parents in their fifties with teenagers kids ?
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I am going to use the ferry from Weehawken to get to the city . Is it easy to get to Little Italy?
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Is there a roach issue in the remodled brownstones on Dekalb and Washington Park?
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Moving to Halsey btwn Lewis & Stuyvesant. Seems to be up and coming. But which blocks to avoid?
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I have high school kids, will they be able to get into Midwood if we live in Prospect Park South?
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What are some safe and lively areas to live in Queens?
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Does it make sense to open a restaurant in Clinton (Hellskitchen), NYC?
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Public vs private schools in Brooklyn -- which is best for relocating?
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What did Intervale Avenue, in the Foxhurst section of the Bronx look like in the 1920s and 1930s?
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