Questions in New York City
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Recently Answered Questions in New York City
How safe is this block? St Marks Ave bet Brooklyn and Kingston.
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How safe is the area around 110th street and Lexington Avenue in NYC?
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Where is the best place to live in Harlem for a young family of 4?
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How safe is it around Harlem Repertory Theatre - 123rd st and 2nd Ave?
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Who makes the very best pizza in Hamilton Heights, New York City?
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What are the most expensive streets in Hamilton Heights, New York City?
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Is 170th on Shakespeare Avenue a safe neighborhood to live in?
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What's the zipcode for the Madison Square neighborhood in New York City?
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Could i have a list of famous people that are from Tribeca or currently live there?
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if I take the #7 at 46th st in sunnyside, and am commuting to Manhattem, do I have to transfer?
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Is Bay Ridge Avenue the same as Bay Ridge Blvd? If so, is it close to Lutheran Medical Center?
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Is it safe to walk home at night time from 18ave subway to 14ave 84st?
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What is the name of the towers on Rockaway and Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn NY called?
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Can someone tell me pros/cons of living in central Harlem? And is it safe?
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Is Harlem in New York City a good place to live for singles?
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How Can People Live With Their Consciences Knowing Gentrification Displaces the Powerless and Poor?
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I'm thinking about moving to Harlem to teach. I have practical concerns ...
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Is it considered safe for a young Scandinavian girl to live and venture alone in the Harlem area?
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Harlem~ 200 West 113th street~ is this considered West Harlem and safety?
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Greenwich Village vs. West Village. Can't decide where to buy my next home??
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How many latin people live in Kingsbridge Heights, Bronx, NY?
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How safe is the border area between Clinton Hill and Bed-sty?
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