Questions in New York City
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Recently Answered Questions in New York City
Little Italy, New York City - good public transportation options?
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Is Little Italy in New York City walkable? Can I walk to everything or do I need a car?
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Is Little Italy in New York City a good place to live for singles?
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Best resources for finding an apartment in Little Italy, New York City?
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Little Italy, New York City - What are the most expensive streets in the neighborhood?
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Does the Little Italy neighborhood in New York City have alot of crime compared to the rest of New York City?
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Grocery stores in Little Italy, New York City - any recommendations?
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What will a 2 bedroom rental in Little Italy, New York City cost me per month?
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Any recommendations for a fitness center or gym in Little Italy, New York City?
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What are home prices like in Little Italy, New York City at the lower, middle and top end of the market?
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What's it like living in the Little Italy neighborhood of New York City?
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Should any parts of Little Italy in New York City be avoided more than others?
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In which neighborhood (and street) in manhattan would you choose to live and why....
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Are there any 'bad parts' of the West Village that you wouldn't rent in?
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Where is the house on Weehawken Strret where Alexander Hamilton was carried into after his duel with Aaron Burr
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what is the best public school around, and which one will fit for international
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NoLita proposes a downsizing of the San Gennaro festival
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TSA officer at Newark airport caught dipping into passenger's bags
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