Questions in New York City
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Recently Answered Questions in New York City
How safe is the neighborhood McDonough and Throop Bed-Stuy
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Experience living around Utica (A/C) and Gates (J/Z) in Bedstuy?
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Best place for 40 year old single to live in New York City.
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Where is the best place to live in Brooklyn if I were driving to Lenox Hill?
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what areas of the bronx are safest. single mom 3 daughters
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How is living on cooper- central st in bushwick in Brooklyn NY ?
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we will be living right Delkab between Bedford and Nostrand. how safe is it?
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what happen to PS 4 when there from1953 thru 1957 second thru 5th grade
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Is it safe on Pacific Street and Bedford Avenue, next to the Armory (men's shelter)?
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how far is Kent Greenpoint brooklyn from Kenst St. and Myrtle in brooklyn
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Gramercy Park - great area to live for a 33 year old professional?
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Where can I find the list ranking neighborhoods in Brooklyn?
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How safe is the area near east 89 the street and first avenue?
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