Questions in New York City
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Recently Answered Questions in New York City
how do i get to the ann taylor store in noho manhattan by train
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How can I find Modern Orthodox synagogues in the Midwood/Prospect Heights area?
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Do you love NYC and are you proud to show it to a first time visitor?
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Coming to Union St on Wednesday night. Any suggestions for Bargain clothing shops, must sees etc
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Why are there so many homes for sale on St. Felix in Ft. Greene?
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Visiting NY...where are the shops that that sell the fake hand bags
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Seeking a cheap parking garage in the Upper 80s/near East End Avenue
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Anyone been to Madiba Restaurant in Fort Green, Brooklyn?
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What is the ethnic representation of the people living in Ozone Park today?
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A condo or bungalow 4 widowed 50 year old who loves the beach all year round
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NY1 promotes hipster heaven- Gansevoort's TCI property
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Great story about finding the right apartment in Park Slope
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