Questions in New York City
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Recently Answered Questions in New York City
Going to public theater in NoHo. What's best public transportation to use from Jersey City or Newark
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How hard is it too find monthly parking here? Are there any good street lots or garages?
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How hard is it too find monthly parking here? Are there any good street lots or garages?
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Is the West Village a good neighborhood for families with dogs?
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Is Dean street safe? Around 1680 Dean street in crown heights, Brooklyn
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Where's the exit from Motorgate garage;how bad is traffic in the AM over the bridge into Queens?
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Can anyone tell me about the area where Ebbets Field apartments are located? Is it safe?.
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How do we answer a question here on StreetAdvisor.?I see No Answer, Reply or A icon.
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How safe is it on Stanhope St. between Wilson Ave. and Wyckoff Ave.?
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how far is it from muliner ave and lydig ave to pelham pwky and muliner ave
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What neighborhoods should I look at for apartments near Brooklyn Hospital Center?
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Is the 66th street transverse going east to west open to traffic on Sunday Oct.15, 2017?
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I the 66th st. transverse going east to west open to cars on Sunday 10/15/17?
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Can a 9 foot high uhaul use 65th transverse through CP? Is clearance ok?
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How high can I go in building residences on Carroll Street Brookyn
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Is 679 Grand st a good place for business? Is it a good section?
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How long is the commute from Prospect Heights to Bergen Beach by bus? by train?
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how many block is from muliner ave/lydig ave to pelham pkwy
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In England, there is a man LENOXHILL, and makes financial scams
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Break down of Nationality of people in East New York, Brooklyn
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can i ride my bike on the 85th St transverse from west to east? is there a bike lane?
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How's the neighborhood on MacDonough Street, cross street is Patchen Ave.
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