16th Ave South, SeaTac
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16th Ave South
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- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Peace & Quiet
- Parks & Recreation
- Lack of Traffic
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- Public Transport
"A great park in a mediocre neighborhood"
Sunset Park is actually just an extension of North Seatac Park, separated only by South 136th Street. Both parks are popular for local residents and offer a kid's playground, tennis courts, dirt pike courses, baseball diamonds, soccer fields, a frisbee disc course, picnic tables and incredible paved walking paths throughout the park. Conveniently located just off of Hwy 509, both parks offer adequate parking. The park is frequently used by sports leagues/teams and local families, though the surrounding neighborhoods may be a bit of a deterrent due to the questionable crime rates. There are no surrounding shops or businesses, the park being its own draw, but it does provide a great place to play and take your kids, or enjoy a nice walk through the dense forests that grow throughout the park.
Recommended for
- Families with kids