Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
What major retail shopping options are available in Fairview?
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Where is the nearest shopping center, strip mall or regular mall to go to around Dover?
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What's the closest mall worth travelling to from Pine Plains?
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Are there any medical clinics or specialists in or near Pawling?
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Are there any performing arts options available in Red Hook?
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If visiting the Walkway Over the Hudson from the Poughkeepsie side, what is the parking situation?
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If taking the Harlem Line train from Dover Plains to NYC, how long of a commute would it be?
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What kind of events are held at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds?
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What are the overall views and experiences relating to people of color and diverse cultures?
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Is anyone able to sell their house here, now that there is a power plant in the middle of town?
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Whats the Easiest Mass Transit Commute From Manhattan, to Ho[ewell Junction
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Is there a water quality test available for Stissing Lake 2015?
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I am pondering a short term change and would consider living in Beacon for a period of time.
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Are there any stores or a library within walking distance (a mile or so) to 24 Beechwood Avenue?
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Where are the best places to walk with your dog in/around Beacon?
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Does Pleasant Valley remind you of any other towns you've visited?
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Is there an RV park anywhere near Pleasant Valley? Near a campground?
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What has been your nightlife experience in Pleasant Valley?
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How easy is it to get around Pine Plains? Assuming I have a car.
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Has the population of Holmes grown at all in recent years?
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