Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
Are there any public beaches or swimming areas in Pine Plains?
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Millerton has some nice local restaurants; what's the best?
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About how long would it take a Chelsea resident to get to the nearest hospital?
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I like mountain biking. What's the best place to hit the trails in Clinton?
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If I hike in Holmes will I find many spots with a great view?
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If I want to start a business in Holmes will I be able to find local investors?
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Are there driving ranges or golf courses in Fairview? Are they good?
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What's the quality of the parks in Millbrook? Is there a lot for the kids to do?
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I'm looking to visit Stormville. Are there any good hotels or motels?
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2 Answers
Are there any museums in Stormville? Any historical landmarks?
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2 Answers
Are there any apartment buildings in or around Crown Heights??
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Are there any places to sit by the Hudson in Crown Heights?
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Does Vassar have a day care center for students with children?
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In the village of Pawling, is there a crowded/busy main street?
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Are there any smaller lakes or other bodies of water for swimming in Pawling?
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