Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
What extracurricular activities are there for kids under 10 in Amenia?
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Are there any upscale Italian restaurants in or near Dover?
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Are there any public transportation options in Dover Plains?
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What's the nearest big city to Dover Plains? How long does it take to get there?
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What's the best way to get to Poughkeepsie from Dover Plains?
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What other parts of Dutchess County are similar to Dover Plains?
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Are there many rentals available in Dover? How much do they cost?
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How much would a modest two bedroom house run me in Tivoli?
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How far would someone have to go from Chelsea to find a bowling alley?
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How much local business is there in Milan? What sorts of businesses?
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I know the area is equestrian heavy, but where would a beginner go to learn to ride in Washington?
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Are there any apartment, townhouse or condo rentals in Washington?
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What are the average home prices in Amenia, and how much do you get for that? Three bedrooms?
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Does Pawling frequently experience weather-related blackouts?
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