Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
Is there a good nearby lake to go waterskiing in East Fishkill?
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Are there any rent-to-own homes available in East Fishkill?
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I love rock climbing. Are there any indoor climbing walls in East Fishkill?
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How long is the drive from East Fishkill to Poughkeepsie during rush hour?
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Are there any commuter trains from East Fishkill to Poughkeepsie? To NYC?
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If I moved to East Fishkill would I find many employment opportunities?
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Is Stormville Airport good for vacations, or is it a smaller private airport?
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Is East Fishkill a family-friendly town for raising young children?
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Can the population of Spackenkill support a new business? New restaurants, cafes, bookstores, etc?
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What bars are in Spackenkill and who do they primarily cater to?
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Is Spackenkill welcoming to new people or a tightly knit community that you have to break into?
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Are there any dog parks or at least dog-friendly parks in Spackenkill?
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I'm looking for a modest sized one-bedroom in Spackenkill, what will it cost me?
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Are there any charities in Red Hook for which I can volunteer?
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Are there any bowling alleys in Crown Heights? Do they run leagues?
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What is the name of the local grade school in Crown Heights and how well does it rank?
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Are there any fun local events like charity auctions, festivals etc in Crown Heights?
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What's the quickest way to get from Crown Heights to Wappingers?
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Do many concerts or other traveling acts (plays, musicals etc) come through Pleasant Valley?
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Is Sylvan Lake open to the public or is it for town residents only?
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