Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
Are the lots in Washington big? Are they so big you don't know your neighbors?
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Is the Washington community particularly active with farmers markets, festivals etc?
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Does Tivoli have a recycling service as part of trash pickup?
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Are there any barbers in Tivoli? Would a Tivoli resident need to go far for a haircut?
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If you could use adjectives to describe Tivoli, what would you call it?
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Are there any kids groups like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts in Rhinebeck?
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Is Rhinebeck more of a farming or commercial community? Are there many central businesses?
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What might a 2 bedroom condo-style apartment cost in Rhinebeck?
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Are there many rental opportunities in Rhinebeck or is mostly homes for sale?
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What good venues/churches/scenic locations for weddings are there in Rhinebeck?
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Is Tivoli the kind of place where everyone knows your name?
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Are there any local men's groups in Tivoli? Knights of Columbus? American Legion halls?
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Is there much real estate along the river in Tivoli? Is it expensive?
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Is Tivoli a safe place for kids to run around? Much traffic? Crime?
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What websites are good for finding a rental in the village of Red Hook?
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Are there many employment opportunities in the village of Red Hook?
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If I wanted to go mountain biking in the village of Red Hook, would I find a good trail?
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Is the village of Red Hook big enough to support Little League?
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What are the top 5 things to do on a Friday night in the village of Red Hook?
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Is there a private country club in the village of Red Hook?
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