Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
What are the most populous, busy hamlets or villages in Stanford?
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Do the passing trains create a lot of obnoxious noise in Tivoli?
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Is life in the City of Poughkeepsie fast-paced or not really?
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Is Pine Plains growing at a faster or slower rate than the rest of the county?
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If I wanted to hike to a peaceful, scenic spot in Holmes, where would I go?
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Do Millerton residents generally get involved in their community?
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Is Milan known for anything in particular in the region or county?
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Have new local businesses complemented LaGrange's population growth in recent years?
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Is there anywhere in Staatsburg where it's safe to ice skate in the winter?
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Are there public events in Stormville during the holidays?
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Does the golf course in Wingdale offer private lessons or instruction?
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Are there any bad or shady neighborhoods in Dover Plains?
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What crime(s) would Stanford residents have to worry about the most?
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What's the most well-to-do neighborhood in the City of Poughkeepsie?
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Is there anywhere in Milan to swim? Public pools, lakes, creeks?
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Are there any clothing donation drop boxes in Staatsburg?
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Are there any religious charities/organizations located in/near Dover Plains?
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Do school sporting events in Dover draw any local interest?
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Have taxes in Amenia gone up in recent years? Are they becoming less affordable?
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Does Stormville have any establishments that are good for kids' birthday parties?
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Do young families make up a lot of Dover Plains's population?
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Does Dover have a public database for parents to view local sex offenders?
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How often do schools have to close in Clinton for snow days? Is it often?
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How many homes in Amenia are gas-heated? How many have electric heat?
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Do any of the schools in Amenia require uniforms for kids?
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What are the biggest companies in Union Vale? Do they employ many people?
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Do lots of residents in Stanford have their own backyard swimming pools?
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Are there still a lot of trees in Fairview or is it becoming more urbanized?
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What is typically the cheapest gas station in Red Oaks Mill?
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Do police in Spackenkill give out lots of speeding tickets?
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Is there a local firehouse in Crown Heights? Are emergencies responded to quickly?
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What is the rate of population growth in Poughkeepsie? Slowing or increasing?
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Is the City of Poughkeepsie well-maintained for the most part?
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In Pawling, are most homes heated by gas, oil, electricity, or something else?
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If I were to seek a job in Millerton, what kinds of jobs would I likely find?
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Are there any football fields in Haviland for people to play on?
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What are some good catering houses in or near Hopewell Junction?
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Does East Fishkill have a cable access channel for its residents to use?
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Has the housing market suffered in Dover Plains during the recession?
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