Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
Are there any batting cages for the kids in East Fishkill?
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How far away is the nearest movie theater from Stormville?
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Are there any good parks in Clinton? What's the closest quality park?
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How long does it take to get to Poughkeepsie from Clinton?
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Do you need to travel outside of Clinton to find something to do?
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Are there any good parks for hiking or trail running in Beacon?
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How bad is traffic during rush hour in Beacon? In the surrounding areas?
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If I work in Fishkill, how bad will my commute from Beacon be?
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How long will it take to drive to New York City from Beacon?
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How does Beekman compare safety-wise to other Dutchess County towns?
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I like rock climbing. Any good rock climbing facilities or mountains in Beekman?
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How long does it take to get to Poughkeepsie from Beekman?
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Do you need to drive far from Pawling to find a bigger town ?
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