Questions in Dutchess County
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Recently Answered Questions in Dutchess County
About how many day care options would I have in the East Fishkill area?
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I've been over the tracks in E. Fishkill often but never seen a train; do they ever come through?
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Does the "center" of Wingdale ever get busy with traffic?
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What are some evangelical churches in or near Dover Plains?
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Other than the Taconic, what's the most main road that runs through Clinton?
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If I'm a young person living in Clinton, will I have much to do?
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With the number of artists coming to Beacon, is the population getting younger?
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Where in Beekman may I find youth football teams in which to register the kids?
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Is Amenia a nice town in which to take a leisurely drive?
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If you're an Amenia resident, do you enjoy being "away from it all"?
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Does Dutchess County Airport have much of a terminal? What's in it?
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In a typical year, when will the leaves start changing in Union Vale?
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Do the Links at Union Vale have a bar? Do you have to be a golf patron to go there?
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Was Stanford an old mill town back in the past? Any mills still standing?
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What Catholic churches are there near Stanfordville? How far?
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What's the general state of the housing market in Rhinebeck? Is it picking up?
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About how much rain would it take for flooding to be an issue in Rhinebeck?
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Does Northwind Farms near Tivoli sell goods commercially at a farm stand?
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I've heard The Grand Dutchess in Red Hook described as "elegant" -- is it worth a stay?
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Is the crime rate in Poughkeepsie generally increasing or decreasing?
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What's typical for a school tax bill in Poughkeepsie in 2012?
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Are there any large stadiums in Poughkeepsie, city or town?
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Where in Poughkeepsie to go for inexpensive pool supplies?
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What's the typical age range of the crowds at Mahoney's in Poughkeepsie?
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Is the Walkway Over the Hudson met with a strong police presence?
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Do Poughkeepsie schools sell soda or are they transitioning to less sugary drinks?
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How many locals does the Pleasant Valley town government employ?
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How much does oil heat typically cost in Pleasant Valley in 2012?
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What's the largest employer in Pleasant Valley? Are they hiring?
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Generally speaking, what's your opinion of Pine Plains?
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Does Pine Plains have to deal with much construction these days?
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From what source(s) do Pawling residents get their drinking water?
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I've seen a "Mission Church" in Holmes -- what denomination is it?
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